This interface between the inhabitants of a territory and their environment is the intention that forms the basis of my practice, guiding my explorations of soundscapes. I seek to capture the acoustic characteristics specific to cities, regions and territories, in order to compose a sound cartography that spans different countries. One of the main criteria for choosing the locations where I record is accessibility. I choose spaces and individuals on the periphery, those that often escape attention and are sometimes difficult to access. Accents, anecdotes and stories are fragments of identity and reflections of local reality that catch my attention. Recording a person's presence and words is based above all on a relationship of communication and trust, and enables a sound trace to be preserved. Through the sound editing process, these recordings are assembled and transformed into a new sound narrative composed according to the specificities of the exhibition and broadcast locations. The listener thus gains access to new listening spaces that do not exist.
Portfolio available here in pdf.